26 Oct.  Gonzar to Palas de Rei. 17 km

One of the true pleasures of the Camino is the meeting of people and sharing of stories. We have met incredible people on the journey, some while walking and sharing just a brief moment; some over coffee or meals. The weather has been helpful in our meetings.

When we arrive and have showered and such, most albergues or hostal provide a terrace or bar where it’s customary to sit and relax. As pilgrims spill in we tend to join in conversation—where the day started, the difficulty of the hills, the interesting things seen that day. It’s not uncommon to then make plans for dinner together for meals shared are tastier and richer in so many ways.

Last night our new friends included an innkeeper from Seattle, two young people from Israel, a woman of Turkish descent from England and a pair of long time friends, both law enforcement officers from California.

Our dinner conversation was lively and included insights into serving in the Israeli army, the difficulty of being law enforcement in the US and the benefits of eating pastry everyday!

Each day seems to bring a new friend and a deeper understanding of the goodness of humanity. What lovely lessons we have learned!

Buen Camino


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