30 Sept  Villamayor to Villafranca About 17 km

We've moved out of wine country and into farmland. Mikes and miles of vines have been replaced with dark brown earth freshly tilled with what the nose tells us is pig manure. 

Last night the hostess of the albergue cooked us a marvelous dinner of creamed vegetable soup, salad, pork chops, friend potatoes- most of which came from her garden. We ate it around a table with French women who sang to us folk songs of the Camino in beautiful harmony, and friends from Israel, Italy and the US. Amazing conversation all around. 

Dad and I started the day before sunrise. This time there was no getting lost although, with it being Saturday, we went through 3 towns before the coffee shops opened for business. The day threatened to rain but held back, thankfully. So that we had a cool trek through peaceful hills and valleys and arrived at our albergue just past noon. Lunch today was provided after a trip to the supermercado for cheese, bread and fruit. That should hold us off til supper. 

We've met up with our friend Johan and Janne from Holland again. And some of the folks from last night have caught up. Looks like a wonderful evening ahead. 

Buen Camino


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