
Day one of my sabbatical. Technically, it's day 2, but yesterday was a holiday filled with food and friends. Today is the first day I didn't have to get up and go to the office or the hospital or a meeting. And it feels odd.

I got up and made the mental list of things left to do. Narrowed it down to the things I choose to do today and then considered when I'd get in my walk. Then I decided my errands would be my walk. Two and a half hours later I had my new glasses, deposited my checks and walked over 5.5 miles.

Despite my internal demons telling me to hurry along, there's more to do, I walked neighborhoods I never noticed. Flower beds are wilting, people are closing pools and winterizing boats. I walked past a school, though, and it was filled with life.

There's more to do. Those inner demons continue their chant. But there's a cat trying to get on my lap and a book begging to be read. The other stuff can wait.


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