
All this stuff- which does not yet include my blister kit and toothbrush-has to fit into my pack. But according to the oh so helpful folks at EMS, the compression bags will accomplish that feet.
The shopping is finished and I have discovered amazing things, like solid shampoo and toothpaste tablets. Who knew such things existed?  

I've walked about 8 miles each day this week and feel pretty good. I'm realizing how much stuff I have that I'll live quite well without for 45 days. 

I'm also processing the fear of walking, literally, into the unknown and the joy of the adventure ahead; the liberation of sabbatical and the missing of my people. This week I've been meditating on the verse, "Be still and know that I am God," and realizing I'm not a still person. It's ok, I think, to keep moving and know and encounter God. It's ok to be uncomfortable and to experience God. It's glorious to wonder what's ahead and to be secure that God is in the moment now and the moments ahead.
For now--the packing.


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