Sept 20, 2017

My gate is at the far end of this terminal at O’Hare. O’Hare, not Philadelphia because last night when I attempt d to check in online, my flight was nowhere to be found. After some anxious time on the phone with American Airlines, I was informed that the hurricanes were closing down much of the east coast to air travel. I am grateful that m family is safe and my home secure and I pray for those who are digging out or shoring up for the next storm. 

As waves of “What was I thinking?” keep creeping into my consciousness, I am remembering the words of my 5:00 congregation, “Donut be afraid.” Every dunkin donuts, every pastry shop on the concourse screams out to me, “Don't be afraid.” I don't know that they'll ever know what a gift they gave me. 

As God began something new in the birth of Jesus and the shepherds responded in terror, angels responded in chorus-Don't be afraid.  I'm about to do something new for me, but ancient for Christian's. God is eternally faithful. In two hours I'll be on that plane, I'm doing my best not to be afraid. 


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