Sept 23, 2017

Day 1 under our belts. We made it from Pamplona to Puenta la Reina (23.9 km). We woke up to thunder and rain so started the journey in our rain ponchos which double as a personal sauna. Even with jet lag, the newness of the journey kept me putting one foot in front of the other. The day was filled with blessings--the rain stopped but the clouds kept it fairly cool. Stops for breakfast and a fruit treat in the afternoon allow for meeting fellow pilgrims. Near the end of the journey we met a local man sitting on a bench just handing out freshly picked figs to pilgrims. And the evening included a loud street fair and a concert in a gorgeous church. 

There's a camaraderie here that is unmatched-pilgrims making room at tables for other pilgrims to share a seat,  laundry hangs together on common clothes lines. Bathrooms are unisex and the sleeping arrangements are not by gender. Odd to wake up and find a man from Brazil in his skivvies dressing by the bunk across the room. 

Day two we traveled 21.9 km to Estella. Gorgeous countryside. Not so steep but still much that was uphill. We all look like turtles on parade with our packs--many of them with Our still damp laundry attached to dry in the son.

This day I was a bit sore and Whitney as we passed up two opportunities for breakfast and coffee. Lesson learned: stop when you have a chance. The particular blessings of this way were they young woman who informed me that two people wringing out my washed pants would remove more water and then she just grabbed hold and put her muscle into it.

Days end was at a mass. While we couldn't understand the sermon, the liturgy transcended language. Worship ended with the pilgrims blessing. The Priest  addressed us each in our own language- rather amazing. Then, having inherited my fathers sense of direction, we wandered aimlessly in circles trying to find our way back!

One final request, if anyone knows how to add pictures to this when using an iPad, please message me..



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