Sept 24 from Estella to Los Arcos. 21.9 km

Today just seemed long. Very long. We walked through miles and miles of farmland with no villages or towns in sight. Over every fret and around every bend we thought Los Wrcos had to appear. Most towns are visible on hills to miles. Not this one. Then, around the last bent there it was. 

It's a very small town and it's a Sunday so everything is closed with the exception of a few restaurants with pilgrims menus. Tonight's fare was a big bowl of bans with chorizo followed with fried pork and wine and then ice cream-one of those silly children's cones wrapped in paper. Nothing ever tasted so good. 

If we were to follow the map, our course would be 29 km tomorrow. Based on our hurting feet and tired shoulder and the heat, we expect to keep it to our customary 20 or so. 

Off to Mass. 

Buen Camino


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