Sept 25. Los Arcos to Viana. 18.4 km

The guide suggested we go 28.7 km to Logrono. Our feet thought differently. We had a glorious day of walking through olive groves and vineyards; up lots of hill and back down, through picturesque towns. We're both getting a bit more accustomed to walking so much and with a pack. We've learned to buy fruit the night before for short rest stops under a tree chatting with other pilgrims.

Today's generosity moment was a lovely man from Korea who bought a piece of watermelon for his post walking snack, cut off a big chunk for dad and I to share while we contacted family.

Our amusing moment today happened when we thought it would be quaint to stay at Santa Maria's only to find out that those accommodations consisted of a mat on the floor and no shower. It's hard to imagine how much we look forward to those showers each day!

Off to find dinner. The restaurants have chalk boards advertising the pilgrims selections. One of them was advertising "stucked deer."  We may have to go find out what that was all about!

Buen Camino


  1. This is absolutely a delight to follow! Keep the posts coming and way to go figuring out the picture thing! More please!


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