Sept 26 Viana to Navarrette 22.1 km

Signs are very important on the Camino. The way is marked by yellow arrows, a variety of scallop shells and occasionally the friendly homemade diagnostic to point the way, as with the arrow above. At times they are obvious. At times a gift of the way is the teamwork involved in finding the sign. No pilgrim wants to take too many steps in the wrong direction.

The first part of the journey today--from Viana to Logorno was relatively easy. But Logorno is the first big town we've had to navigate. And the signs pointing the way through we're far and few between. We've been traveling at the same pace as Anita and her husband, from Sweden. We entered Logrono together and at intersections would literally fan out looking-on walls, on the ground, for the arrow, maybe the shell-until someone would call out, "Over here." More than once there were other pilgrims joining the hide and seek.

As we entered Navarrette, hot, tired, my feet killing me, we encountered a girl from Germany. Together we wandered and looked and asked til we finally found the albergue together where we are now bunk mates.  This is a journey that is intended to be made together.


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