Sept 27. Navarrette to Najera 16.2 km

Today we splurged. For 30 euros we got a room with two twin beds. Not bunk beds. No one has to climb up and down the ladder. Neither of us has to sit up and smack our heads. There are not six or 30 other bunk mates. It seems extravagant. Even though I just did my laundry by hand and hung it on a community line and the bathroom is down the hall.  Odd how perspective changes. 

We traveled the past 3 days the distance the guide says takes 2. Today was a short day and it seems we need it. We did not travel smart—not enough breaks. We went all 10 miles straight in 4 hours. We left Navarrette without getting coffee as the map indicated a small town with coffee just a few miles down the road. The map failed to indicated that to get to that town meant a few km detour up a very steep hill. We did not choose the detour, thus resulting in one cranky, headachey pilgrim! (You can figure out which one) Lesson learned: get coffee first, make sure your water bottles are filled, buy fruit the night before no matter how tired you may feel. The little things matter. 

Unexpected blessing for the day- a fellow pilgrim stopped us to tell dad his pack didn't look even. He then took the time to go over each and every strap and make adjustments that made his pack much more comfortable. He took several precious minutes out of his trek to attend to the comfort of a fellow traveler. 


  1. It is all in the perspective, isn't it? Glad you seem to be doing well. Sorry about the coffee thing. Glad I wasn't there to experience that but I do know that Larry was more of a help than I would have been.

    Love the shoes in the window pic, hope the breeze is blowing out and not in.

    Looking forward to learning more about your learnings along the way and how much fun you are having. Will have to be in touch with Matt when I get home from Chicago.

    These boots are made for walking, walk on! And, have a good time.


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