Sept 28 Najera to Santo Domingo de la Calzada 21.3 km

Perhaps the best day yet! We're learning as we're going. A good nights sleep is particularly helpful. Springing for the private room last night was helpful. We were also prepared with fruit and the towns were perfectly placed today. The first stop for breakfast was an easy 6+ km. Then, after fortifying ourselves with some food, it was an 8+ km trek up a fairly tough hill to Ciruena. We were rewarded at the top with a shady picnic spot. Lovely place to put up our feet and have our fruit before the final 6 km to Santo Domingo.

Our accommodations are not quite as nice. We're at an old convent perhaps. The sparse accommodations and the parade of nuns give it away. The steps remind m of an old amusement park fun house. And beds are crammed in every spare corner. We are in a room with just three beds and thankfully not bunks. But there is literally not walking room between the beds. I'll try to post a picture later. The couple across the hall welcomed us to paradise when we arrived. It's good to have a sense of humor.

Unexpected blessing of the day is realizing there is a fig tree in the courtyard and the ability to share our cheese and olives with arriving pilgrims.

Buen Camino


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