14 Oct continued

For whatever reason, the interwebs froze up and I could not edit my post from yesterday.  So, to continue...our day ended with mass. The town boasted of a Gregoria's Chant Vespers led by the monks of the Benedictine Monastery. However, they were taking the week off. Sigh. But Mass was held in the church, a simple edifice. The priest alternated between Spanish, English and German for the prayers and homily and other portions of the liturgy. It was such a gift to b able to easily understand a sermon on listening. 

We had met a few new friends at the albergue, which, by the way, was packed to the gills!  So much for thinning ranks!  Our new friends went to mass with us and then joined us for dinner. As did Robert from New York who was with us at the beginning of our pilgrimage. It's fun to run across people at different stages of the Camino and share stories. 

As we are in Maragato country, I ordered the local fare. It was every odd part of the pig except the squeal!  I'm not even sure what some of that was!  But in the plate was an ear and a slice of snout and portions of other meat accompanied by cabbage and chick peas. I'm glad for the experience but would be fine never to have it again. 

Buen Camino


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Your pictures are stunning! They are a wonderful companion to your narrative! Thank you and blessings to you both!

  3. No no no no no to that mess of pig on your plate.


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