14 Oct.   Santa Catalina to Rabanal.  11.2. Km

Today's trek took us up a gentle slope for the morning. We find ourselves with only 148.9 miles too go and 22 days left to cover those miles, which means we can adopt a very leisurely pace in the mountains.

Expecting to find the pace frustrating, I am pleased to find that these days are a real gift. The pilgrim throngs have thinned out drastically and the mountains are filled with quiet. No traffic. No background televisions or music. Just silence. It's amazing.

These mountains are home to the disappearing Margarato peoples. Villages are crumbling and virtually uninhabited and no one know the exact history behind this people. It's a rather sad portion of Spain.

Our only stop was at the Cowboy Bar in the Magarato village of El Gonso.


We then resumed our leisurely pace stopping for a fruit break where we found a litter of begging kittens. Fortunately, soon followed along a compassionate soul from Poland who happily shared her sandwich. 

We sat there for quite a while enjoying the antics of the kittens and the peace. I. Ant remember the last time I had the luxury of just sitting in the quiet. I am really enjoying this.

Out path finally turned to the steep incline filled with the stones we have come to loathe.  But it was only for a little more than 2 km and our trusty trekking poles kept us upright.

We arrived in Rabanal and found our albergue. It's a beautiful place that is a refuge for pilgrims, a lovely bar and the home of the hosts and their extended family.


  1. That albergue looks beautiful. Do you find that you can talk with most pilgrims or is there a language barrier, for instance, with the woman from Poland?


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