16 Oct.   Acebo to Ponferrada.  14.4 km

Today's journey was not long, but it was a tedious descent out of the mountain. We played leapfrog with two other pilgrims, stopping alternately for short breaks and then moving ahead. It was also a lovely way to keep an eye on each other and make sure an ankle didn't turn. The ground is slate and the rocks are slippery. We were thankful that the rain held off and we did not have to contend with mud.

We arrived in good time at Ponferrada where we found the most delightful little albergue. It looks more like a home than a resting place for pilgrims. The hostess welcomed us and showed us to our bunk room where she gave us the bottom bunks in anticipation of few guests. The beauty of this place is that there are freshly washed sheets on the bunk. No sleeping bag required. Oh the joys of little things!  And the top bunks are high enough that we will not whack our heads getting in and out of bed. They also offer a community meal!  We've landed in heaven.

Ponferrada is home to a castle of the Knights Templar. We are looking forward to a tour but when we headed out earlier we found it closed for siesta--of course. So we will return at 4 to continue our exploring. Naturally, we walked around it. There's nothing quite like adding a few more km at the end of the day!

Buen Camino


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