17 Oct.  Ponferrada to Cacabelos.  16.7 km

Last night was an amazing evening. We had dinner with many of the other pilgrims staying at our darling albergue. Peg from Conn., Thomas from Norway and Thomas from Germany: sisters from Seattle and Lucia from Brazil and Lynne from Scotland. Our meal was fantastic and we all slept well in our lovely clean sheets. Definitely the best part of this journey is the opportunity to meet others on The Way.

Talk of the fires is part of every pilgrim conversation as is the prayer and hope for rain. Much of the day today was indeed spent walking in a soft rain and we were all grateful, especially since the way was fairly flat and paved.  This land is desperate for rain and I hope it continues.

We arrived at our destination excited about the prospect of staying in an albergue with private rooms (shared bath) surrounding a church. That said, we are learning to be grateful for whatever we find. These "private rooms" are barely bigger than a closet, smell funky and are all very far from the outside trip to the bathroom. But they are clean, the showers warm after walking in the rain in our personal sauna ponchos, and it's a roof over our heads. Although, I must explain the bathrooms--there are more toilets than we have seen in an albergue and for that we are grateful. However, the toilet paper hangs on a common hook outside--no roll in every stall as one might expect. Rather amusing!

So we are thankful for another day of walking. For the company of new friends to greet along the way. And rain to nurture and heal the earth.

Buen Camino


  1. It cracks me up reading about these odd accommodations from the woman who would check out every campground bathroom before agreeing to stay there.

    1. Desperate times call for desperate measures, baby girl.


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