18 Oct.  cacabelos to Trabadelo   18.8 km

Our morning began with the sound of pouring rain before we even got out of bed. Incidentally, the albergue last night night was not as horrible as we had anticipated. So, with the rain coming down, I did what any self respecting pilgrim would do--I nested down deeper into my sleeping bag!  By time to wake up, though, the rain had calmed substantially and we were able to don our ponchos and head out into a gentle drizzle. 

Our first stop was to be about 5 km where there was to be an adorable bar for breakfast. Alas, it was closed so we went on to halfway through our days journey and found coffee and toast. After a much needed breakfast break, we only had 8 more km to cover. The skies had cleared and we moved on with cool temperatures and a nice cloud cover. 

We had beautiful views of the mountains as the morning took us through vineyards. The afternoon hike was mostly roadside but lovely nonetheless. And we enjoyed a break for juice with a delightful young man from Toronto. 

Our albergue for the evening is quite lovely and the restaurant seems to have some local cuisine to sample. Our lunch was a tasting of bean soup that was delicious despite the unidentifiable pig parts that were responsible for the awesome flavor!  

Our dilemma today is what to do about tomorrow. One option is to continue along the road. It's not awful and concrete separates us from traffic. It's direct, easy to follow but not very peaceful. There is an alternate route that is peaceful and a benter climb. However, the caution is that it's not very well marked and a route that is for those who have a good sense of direction, or so the guidebook says. As Dad and I are both directionally impaired we aren't too sure. We'll see how we feel in the morning and if we have any success finding the trail marker!


  1. Hope the rain helped in putting out some of those fires ahead. We are following your progress. Be safe in your travels pilgrims!

  2. Beautiful picture of the vineyards!


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