20 Oct.   La Faba to Fonfria.   16.7 km

We are officially now in Galicia. Our day began in the last miles of Castile y Leon in an eerie fog. We were sorely disappointed as we knew we were surround d by gorgeous mountains. However, it didn't take long until the fog started to lift and we saw the "floating islands" the tops of mountains seen above the fog line. We made lots of stops to take in the breathtaking view that changed by the second. Words cannot describe th beauty of this part of Spain.

We made the final climb to O'Cebreiro where we enjoyed a juice break and viewed one of the oldest churches on the Camino. The weather immediately changed and we were confronted by the wind s of Galicia, but fortunately not the rain. Just a light drizzle close to our destination that did not warrant retrieving our rain gear!

The landscape has become more hills than mountains and with the ever changing cloud cover is a beauty to behold.

Our albergue this evening is quite modern and nice. We are again in the common bunk room. And there are very few pilgrims sharing with us. Getting here was interesting. Each evening we read and inwardly digest the section of our guidebook for the next day. This day we followed closely the road for one small village after another. 

As we came over the final hill there was not one but two. Workers, pointing in opposite directions. One along the road but one up a dirt path leading uphill. The book indicated along the road but what was with the uphill path?  We went along the road and then noticed a couple behind us stopping to 
digest the markings, so we back tracked and talked with them. We all came to the same conclusion. The town--and I use the term loosely, it's more like a big farm--was further than we expected and we feared making a wrong turn. In the process, we met a lovely couple from Ohio who walked with us to our albergue. 


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