21 Oct.  Fonfria to Triacastela.   12.1 km

We share the path with many of Gods creatures. These days we have been cognizant of the humble cow. The music of their bells accompanies us through the hills. The joy of watching the calves with their mothers give us great delight. Because of the generosity of their bodies, we have found a delightful snack of soft fresh cows milk cheese smothered in honey and slathered on bread. But probably nothing causes us to ponder the cow more than our new favorite game of "Dodge the cow pie."  

Barns are not separate edifices out in the fields in this part of the world. Barns are to be found in the lower part of the house in the village. Thus, in the morning the cows are herded down the same path that pilgrims follow out into their fields to reverse the process in the evening when they are brought home for milking. And so at times we must choose between rocks, mud or manure. It makes for interesting walking. 

We are fully into the last leg of the journey in Galicia and our rain parkas are always at our side. The rain can start quite suddenly although we have thus far avoided the downpours. The hills are amazing and the paths are exquisite. This is most definitely the most serene and peaceful part of the Camino and we are enjoying it immensely, despite our bovine companions. 

Buen Camino


  1. Hi Aileen! Tarra says we had our best time ever at the Corn Maize!

    Maybe it's because we've been following your travels :-)

    1. Thanks! Hope you didn't get too lost like we have a few times. Btw, who is this?


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