22 Oct. Triacastela to Samos.  10.5 km

The two directionally impaired stooges were finally brave enough that to take an alternate route and do some off road sight seeing. We headed to Samos under gorgeous bright blue skies. There were no towns between Triacastela and Samos so it was a straight shot. 

We did encounter the first of the fire damage of this fall, most of which was caused by arsonists. It b3gs the question as to why someone would do that to this beautiful slice of creation. And yet life does seem to continue ie as we saw seeds and new plants even among the devastation.

The crowning glory of our day was a visit to the oldest monastery in Spain dating for the 6th century. The monastery has been redone on the 1880s and the again rebuilt from fire damage in 1951. It is still I use and we had a lively tou by one of the monks translated by a fellow pilgrim in English as we went along. 

Buen Camino


  1. Oldest monastery in Spain!? Any famous saints coming out of that one or anything? I'm excited to hear more about all these religious sites!

    1. Oddly enough no saints were mentioned. It was a pharmacy, as were many monasteries so a scientist was mentioned but no saints.

  2. Glad the fires are no longer burning and that your way is safe!

    1. There are still lots of fires but none that affect our walk. However, they are affecting the people of this area horribly.


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