24 Oct. Vigo de Sarria to Ferreiros. 14.5 km

Just another day in paradise. We left Sarria and entered again typical Galicia with meadows and farmland and stone walls and livestock. What is atypical for this time of year are the blue skies and moderate temperatures. It’s been gorgeous!

We walked up and down hills and through beautiful little hamlets. Today, to add to the music of the cowbells, we found at the top of one of the hills a bagpipe player in traditional Galician dress. He entertained us all with a few songs and it was a delightful respite in the shade for a bit.

The number of pilgrims has increased as we have passed the 100 km mark —all that is required to get a certificate of completion. The enthusiasm that is injected into the walk is palpable and welcome. Although, with the influx of pilgrims comes an influx of trinket sellers and junk shops that has been refreshingly absent for the journey. I suppose it was inevitable.

It’s been lovely to take our time and really enjoy the scenery and to get to know some new pilgrims. Time is more precious than any other commodity.

Buen Camino


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