25 Oct.  Ferreiros to Gonzar. 16:4 km

Little things mean a lot. As we left this morning we saw a man singlehandedly trying  to get a chest freezer out of a little trailer. Dad speaks no Spanish and the man spoke no English but somehow they conveyed where the thing had to go and worked together to get it there. The beginnings of international peace?

Our day was as the last few have been—beautiful, peaceful, perfect temperatures and just plain delightful. At least it was until once again we were confronted with the damage of the recent fires. Who would perpetuate such atrocities in places where livestock are feeding, crops are grown for food and where a path brings much needed economic stimulus in the form of spending by pilgrims for lodging, food and such?

Rather than focus on the evil, I looked and saw farmers continuing to shepherd their herds and crocus blooming amidst the charred embers and I thought of the two men moving a freezer this morning and decided that good does overcome evil, love trumps hate and life does indeed find a way.

 Buen Camino


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