28 Oct.  Melide to Arzua.    14.3 KM

Today’s blog shall be short and sweet. After another picture perfect day, we are sitting at a table with a retired Episcopal Priest discussing the blessings of the journey as we await Saturday evening mass at the church..

We are a mere two days from Santiago and I have made all the reservations for the next two days. We were warned that we should do that as there will be so many pilgrims.  It was such an easy accomplishment that I think it was probably unnecessary.

As the end of this journey approaches, I can hardly get my head around the breadth and depth of all that we have experienced. It has been amazing and I am stunned that we are so close to completion.  But more about my reflections later.

For now I have a new friend with whom to converse.

Buen Camino


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