31 Oct. San Marcos to Santiago.  About a whopping 6 km

We headed out early this morning in optimal walking conditions for our final trek into Santiago. The walk was along roads and the smell of cows was replaced with exhaust fumes. I prefer the cows, quite frankly. Dodge the cow pies game was replace with duck the cars. Cow pies are infinitely less dangerous.

But we could see Santiago in the distance and it wasn’t long until the cathedral came into view. However, this being a pilgrimage, the way was not the most direct and it often seemed we were going around the town rather than through it.  But the yellow arrows and scallop shells kept us on the right path and we found ourselves at the cathedral.

While the cathedral is beautiful, it is under reconstruction and covered with scaffolding. That didn’t keep us from having a good look around, hugging the apostle, viewing the tomb of St. James and sitting for an hour in order to hold a seat for worship. As the famous censor was not swinging today, we will repeat the process tomorrow!  I cannot tell you how excited that makes Larry!

We have received our certificates and the man who signed mine was a hospitalero we met early on the Camino. It was nice to see a friendly face.

We are now settled in a hotel where there are glorious towels. Towels may very well be the best invention of humanity. Just sayin’.  After a siesta where we do NOT need to get our packs ready to go for tomorrow, we will do some more exploring of the city.

There is still much to process and work to be done. But for now we enjoy the final days of this adventure giving thanks that we are safe, that we are so loved, and that the pilgrimage of faith never comes to an end.

 Buen Camino


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