6 Oct.  Fromista to Carrion de Los Condes. 19.3 km

Today was a fairly easy, flat terrain kind of a day that went fast and was full of lovely things. The towns were reasonably placed for rests and refreshments. A few km in and it was time to stop for coffee. A few more and a lovely square to grab some water. A few more and it was time to rest our feet and grab some bananas. Walking around he hedge into the cafe we found a donkey in the yard and another by the door to the bar, several geese in the yard who were busy chasing the donkeys.  The woman serving our food would chase the donkey and grab the goose and then someone would feed the geese and the donkey would want in in the action the. The goose would latch onto the donkeys tail and beat him with her feathers. Then the barkeep would come out and the cycle would just keep repeating itself. Inside the bar was a lovely lad dog begging for scraps. Standards for food service are different but certainly more entertaining. 

Leaving here, we hadn't gone too far when a bicycle bell rang behind us. We moved out of the way only to find ourselves face to face with the sisters from France, Ann and Veronique, whom we had last seen in Burgos. They'd decided to try the flat stretch on bicycle. They are having a magnificent adventure. 

We are now tucked away at a convent for the night, complete with nuns at the reception desk. We were greeted at the door with juice and cookies as we waited to register. Surprisingly, people are very patient as the nun takes time to chat with all the new guests.  We are sharing a room with 18 of our newest friends!  Laundry is drying in the beautiful sunshine and we're having a lovely afternoon.  

 Buen Camino


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