8 Oct. Ledigos to Calzada del Coto.  21.5 km

It's Sunday so we left prepared for small towns to be closed up tight, as that has been our experience. So we got coffee before leaving, purchased fruit and yogurt and even had a sandwich prepared to go. And then we walked through towns with open bars advertising breakfast. There just seems to be no rhyme or reason to how things work.

It was a lovely day. The rain in Spain is no longer on the plain. The skies have been clear and the weather unseasonable dry and warm. It doesn't bode well for the farmers and we end the day  illowing dirt around us like Pig Pen in a Charlie Brown cartoon. Right now the farmers are preparing their fields or harvesting sunflowers..

We have moved into the Provine of Leon, the town being just a few days away. Thus, the path is becoming more hilly as in this province we will face the "easy" end of the Pyrenees. We have been assured there is only one difficult peak ahead but the map indicates otherwise.

One of the  blessings of the day was finding a picnic area to eat our lunch by a beautiful bridge entering the town of Sahagun where we met up with a lovely pilgrim from France and another from Germany. It's lovely how pilgrims learn to share space and grace one another with their presence at every turn.

Buen Camino


  1. Looks like all is going well. Sounds like you are having fun and finding the journey you had hoped for with your dad and all of creation. One step at a time. Thinking of you guys and prayer all goes well. Things here in the USA are going well. The Church is still standing, Trump is still president and health care is being dismantled piece by piece. Other than that it's fabulous!!!

    Do enjoy the time which is going by all too quickly, I am sure. Treasure each moment.


  2. The walking starts fine in the morning and goes fairly fast. By about an hour before we stop it seems to take forever.


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