9 Oct. Calzada del Coto to El Burgo Ranero.  14.4 km

Everyone does the Camino at their own pace and most take rest days along the way. Today was our rest day, covering only 14.4 km. We started at Calzado del Coto which was a bit off the beaten path, meaning that we had to find the alternate route back to Camino francais in the dark. It was well marked and we had no problem at all finding our way back to the beautiful tree lined path through Bercianos and onto our destination. We set out at a leisurely pace and enjoyed the fall day with the leaves crunching under our feet.

We arrived in town well before the albergues opened - generally at 1- so stopped for an orange juice. Every bar has a juicing machine. Order a juice, the oranges get thrown in the machine and the juice goes straight into your glass. What a magnificent thing. Every day should include fresh squeezed juice! As we waited the bread man drove up in his truck. He ran in the bar to get their order and then back out to the truck to retrieve it. While filling that order, women from town lined up to make their daily purchases.

We rambled through town and found our albergue and three of our bunk mates from last night waiting outside. So we dropped our packs and went to find a pharmacy for cold meds for Dad and some lunch. When we got back the lovely young people who had been waiting had brought our things in and put them away for us. Amazing people from the Ukraine. Last year they biked over 5,000 km from Russia to China.

There are only 7 of us in our room this evening, if it fills. Our hospitaleros are a couple from Portland, OR who just did part of the Camino from Portugal. The experiences people share are incredible. And, as usual how pilgrims look out for each other is nothing short of amazing.

Buen Camino


  1. There were many reminders of your journey in the Sunday service: Pastor Hanrahan quoted extensively from your blog entries and expanded on your themes.

    In the Hymn of the Day, one verse was

    "We are pilgrims on a journey, we are trav’lers on the road.
    We are here to help each other walk the mile and bear the load."

    The anthem, Come Follow Me, had this passage:

    "I am the Light, I light the way, a godly life displaying.
    I bid you walk as in the day, I keep your feet from straying.
    I am the way and well I show
    How you must sojourn here below."

    So I am thinking of you!


  2. Thank you, Patsy! I've been praying for Messiah and our members each day. You all are not far from my heart!

  3. True - every day should include fresh squeezed juice!


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