Oct 27.  Palas de Rei to Melide. 14.5 km

Life draws crowds. Pilgrims traipse along the Camino with greetings to each other but, unless we’ve stopped for a coffee/bathroom break and happen to strike up a bit of a chat, we don’t just make the time to stop with one another to observe together the wonders around us.  Unless, like today, a cow has just given birth to a brand new calf.

Movement on the Camino came to a screeching halt. Voices became subdued as we all stood in the mystery of new life coming forth and the tender care shown by mama cow. For the rest of the day during those coffee/bathroom breaks it was the topic of choice.

As we’ve walked along we have been in awe of new shoots springing forth from the earth, new friendships formed around the dinner table, and now a new baby born in a meadow.

Buen Camino


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