2 Nov. Our final day in Santiago

Our final full day in Santiago and what did we do?  We woke up a bit later than usual to the sound of rain.  Finally some typical Galician weather. There was nothing to do but head out, giving thanks the whole time that there was little rain on our pilgrimage. 

There was a farmers market so naturally we had to check it out. The advertised opening was 8am, but customary for Spain, when we got there at 9 most vendors were just setting up.  It was a typical farmers market with produce and food vendors with the addition of several buildings dedicated to the sale of seafood. It was heartbreaking to not buy any. But, alas, I think it would be frowned upon to cook over the hairdryer in the hotel room! We consoled ourselves with coffee and pastry and the purchase of umbrellas to keep us dry. 

In the midst of our exploration a downpour occurred and we sought sanctuary in the doorway of a small church only to find that morning mass was about to begin. It was lovely to have one more Spanish celebration of the Eucharist before leaving the country. 

We continue to explore the city stopping for our usual lunch of caldo gallego, a delicious soup that has yet to be presented to us the same way twice! Then a trip to the Pilgrims Museum and some shopping interrupted by a coffee and pastry stop. We were remiss by not sampling more sweets and so are trying to make up for lost time. 

Our packs are ready for the first trek to an airport tomorrow and we’ve scoped out a restaurant for the evening that only serves Galician food.  Of course, we’ll be joined by our new friend, Alice, for a celebratory farewell meal. It will be bittersweet.  But what a joyful conclusion to an amazing experience.

Buen Camino


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