3 Nov. Santiago to Madrid

Goodbye Santiago. Goodbye Camino.

It will take me a lifetime to sort out all that I have learned in these 40 some days. I will be eternally grateful for this time with my father.  For the conversations we have had.  For the ways we have learned to live together.  For the difficultities we have had.  For the laughs we have shared.  For the people we have met.

This has been an amazing journey and I am sad to see it come to an end.  For, whatever else I have learned, I have witnessed the best of humanity and it has restored my hope. There is an intrinsic goodness in humanity—perhaps the goodness of God that was placed in Adam and Eve at their creation.

Even today, a horrible travel day that I hate so much, we were reunited with pilgrims we met earlier and a goodness was noted in the people even in line for security.

This is what I hope to carry forward in my life.

Buen Camino


  1. What an amazing adventure of life! So happy for you and your Dad. Thank you for sharing your travels!!

  2. Thank you for taking us along on this amazing journey!

    1. It has been so good to hear your thoughts and your "amazement" at how wondrous your journey has been. I am sorry not to have been in better contact but my several previous attempts to 'write' have failed and I hope I can do better this time! Thank you, Aileen, very much, for the opportunity to serve at Concord...it has been a wonderful experience. We are all looking forward, very much, to your return and hearing so much more about your wondrous adventure. Hans


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